Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Academic Homepage of seid mohsen mirhoseini - Publications
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  1. The bivariate Kumaraswamy exponential distribution , Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, , S. M. Mirhoseini , Ali Dolati and M. Amini (Submited) .
  2. Dependence properties of bivariate distributions with proportional (reversed) hazards

marginals, (joint with Ali Dolati and M. Amini), Submited.

  1. A New Generalization of the Weibull Distribution and its Application, 11th national statistical conference, Elm-o-Sanat University, Tehran, Iran (2012). (Joint with R. Lalehzari)(in English).
  2. On a class of distributions generated by stochastic mixture of the extreme order statistics of a sample of size 2, (Jointly with Dolati, A. and Amini, M), Journal of Statistical Theory and Applications, 10(3), 2011, 455-468.
  3.  A new system of the exponential distribution, 40th Annual Iranian Mathematical conference,11-13 September 2009, Tehran, Iran.(in English).
  4. Robust Regression and Comparing with Ordinary Least Square Regression, 40th Annual Iranian Mathematical conference,11-13 September 2009, Tehran, Iran.(in Persian).
  5. A new generalization of the exponential distribution, Journal of Mathematical Extension, (Jointly with Dolati, A.) , 3(1) 2008 27-42, (ISC).
  6. . Binomial- Exponential Distribution, Research Project, Yazd university, Yazd, Iran ,

     2008(Coworker with Ali Dolati)

  1. Analysis the Beginning, End ,Length of the Raining Season in Gavkhoni Region, Research Project, Yazd university, Yazd, Iran ,April 2007(Coworker with M.H. Mobin)
  2. The Content of Heavy Metals(Zn, Pb, Cd, …)into Soil and Spring Water from an Area in South Part of Yazd, Research Project, Yazd university, Yazd, Iran ,2005(Coworker with S. Dadfarnia)
  3. The evaluate the EM Algorithm with other EBC Algorithm , 36th Annual Iranian Mathematical conference,11-13 September 2005, Yazd, Iran.(in Persian).
  4. Biography Of Mola Mohammad Bagher-e-Yazdi, 36th Annual Iranian Mathematical conference,11-13 September 2005, Yazd, Iran. (Joint with M.Ghadiri) (In Persian).
  5. Speed of Convergence of EM algorithm and its acceleration. 6th national conference, Tarbiat Modaress University, Tehran, Iran (2002). (Joint with E. Pasha)(In Persian).
  6. The Estimate of Parameters at the Incomplete Data by the EM Algorithm, M. Sc. Thesis, Teacher Training Education of Tehran, Tehran, Iran (1999) (in Persian).
Last Updated on Thursday, 28 March 2013 09:26